The Count Basie Theatre Foundation is pleased to announce that the Nick Carter Gift of Music Scholarship has been awarded to Anisa Abella. Currently a Red Bank Middle School student, the scholarship gives Miss Abella the opportunity to be a part of the Rockit spring program. A bass player, she auditioned for the program and was picked from a very promising group of young musicians.
Nick Carter, a University of Connecticut engineering student and life-long musician, wanted to make it possible for a young person with a true passion for music to be able to pursue study with a group of like-minded youngsters. Carter has been very fortunate to have had wonderful mentors in his own musical career and noted how the Rockit program is a wonderful way to provide a very positive and encouraging environment for young musicians. Rockit is very grateful to Nick and his parents for making this opportunity possible.

Rockit founder Bruce Gallipani (left) and Count Basie Foundation CEO Rusty Young give the award to Anisa Abella.