Rockit scorched through “At The Movies,” their latest fully-produced concert—this one stocked with memorable tunes from popular movies. The Count Basie audience was treated to hits like, “Live and Let Die,” “Boys of Summer,” “Ballroom Blitz,” “Iris,” “Baby It’s You,” Nilsson’s “Jump Into The Fire,” and Radiohead’s “My Iron Lung.”
Four Rockit students made their farewell appearance at the show: keyboardist Michael Arrom, trumpet player Zach Stroz, bassist Greg Roberts, and guitarist Michael Delgado. All have been with Rockit since their pre-teen years. Michael Arrom will be touring Asia with Steve Vai before attending USC’s Thornton School of Music, Zach Stroz will be heading to Temple University, Greg Roberts is off to the University of Rochester, and Michael Delgado, valedictorian of his high school class will be studying molecular biology at Princeton.
Rockit founder Bruce Gallipani projected video tributes of all four musicians during the show and later presented signed photos to each of the students.
Photos by Glen DiCrocco